Planning and Planting

Today, I am grateful for fast-acting children’s medicine. P woke up about 2 am coughing. And coughing. She’s had a slight cough for a couple of days, but it got bad last night. I got up and gave her nighttime children’s cough/cold medicine. Her coughing slowed and disappeared withing about 20 minutes. My husband also had a bit of a cough, thanks to Nyquil he had two solid nights after several where he would wake up (and wake me up) multiple times a night.

That’s 15 days in a row I’ve written in my gratitude journal and my record is 20 days in a row. That is my next goal. I noticed that at least once a week I’m thankful for medicine. And that is okay. I am thankful for modern medicine. Medicine that helped my baby breathe when she had pneumonia so bad that 2 minutes without an oxygen mask and her lips turned blue. I still have nightmares about that. My husband has Herrington Rods in his back to fix a broken back. I have major depression that almost disappears (sometimes rearing its ugly head) with medicine. I am very thankful for modern medicine.

In other news, I have planned and desired and wished to remove several bushes from my front yard for a long time now. Somehow, I never get around to it. My husband and children gifted me some plants for Valentines Day. And I absolutely love them. In order to plant them, I have to first pull out these old bushes. They are stunted and are not doing well anyway. And we won’t miss them. We’ll be replacing them with a trellis, some grape vines, and some companion plants.

I have never grown grapes before and I’m looking forward to the challenge. They are apparently hard to grow, susceptible to a number of diseases and insects. The right combination of plants will help keep them alive and well.

But first we must rid ourselves of these problem plants.

I spent most of my day ripping up one of the stunted bushes. I have three more stunted bushes to pull. Oddly, two of the same bushes are doing well, and I may pull those ones as well. But for now, it’s just the unhealthy ones I’m getting rid of.

The other half of my day I spent volunteering in the archives at my local university. I truly enjoy this. I get to see all sorts of things. And today we were sorting and saving old photographs of plays that the university put on in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Several of the photos caught my eye, including the one I’m leaving here. This is from the 60s. And they had some serious skills back then. Wonderful detail on props and costumes.

I haven’t had much time to write on my book, though I planned some scenes in my head as I was driving to and from the university and while I was working in the garden. It wasn’t until after the children were in bed that I was able to write this. Much less write on my new story. It may be a novel, or a novella. I’m not sure at the point. I plan to ride the wave of creativity and let it end wherever it takes me.

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